Archive for January, 2023

Speech By President Zelenskyy to Congress, Americanized


Ukrainian President/Dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech before Congress 22 Dec 2022 [1].  In Part 1, you will find the verbatim speech as given by President Zelenskyy.  The Members of Congress (with a few exceptions) slapped their flippers vigorously and frequently before Mr. Zelenskyy.  Part 2 (beginning on page 4) is an Americanized rendition of his speech that could be given before Congress by any resident of Texas, which would naturally address our southern border instead of Ukraine’s eastern border.  I will leave to you to assess how the speech in Part 2 would be received.

Part 1


Dear Americans!

In all states, cities and communities. All who value freedom and justice. Appreciates the same as Ukrainians — in all our cities, in every family. May my words of respect and gratitude be heard by every American heart today!

Madam vice president, I thank you for your efforts in helping Ukraine!

Madam speaker, you bravely visited Ukraine during a full-scale war! Thank you!

It is a great honor and privilege to be here!

Dear members of Congress, from both parties who were also in Kyiv! Dear members of Congress and senators, from both parties, who will still visit Ukraine, I am sure in it, in the future! Dear representatives of our Diaspora who are present here and are present throughout the country! Dear journalists! It is an honor to be in the Congress of the United States of America and to address you and all Americans.

Despite all obstacles and gloomy scenarios, Ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is alive and fighting.

And this gives me a good reason to share with you our first joint victory — we defeated Russia in the battle for the world’s opinion. We have no fear. And no one in the world should have it.

The Ukrainians won, and this gives us the courage that the world admires. The Americans won, and therefore you managed to unite the global community in defense of freedom and international law. The Europeans have won — that’s why Europe is now stronger and more independent than at any time in its history. Russian tyranny has lost its grip on us and will never again influence our thoughts. But we must do everything to ensure that the countries of the global south also achieve such a victory.

I know: the Russians can also have a chance for freedom only when they defeat the Kremlin in their thoughts. But the battle is still going on. And we must defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield. This is a battle not only for land, for one or another part of Europe. This is a battle not only for the life, freedom and safety of Ukrainians or any other people that Russia seeks to conquer. This is a battle for what kind of world our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren will live in. It will determine whether it will be a democracy — for Ukrainians and for Americans, for everyone.

This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will protect itself. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected, too interdependent for any one person to remain aloof and safe while this battle rages on. Our two nations are allies in this battle. And next year is a crucial time in it. The time when Ukrainian courage and American determination must guarantee the future of our freedom with you. Freedoms of people who stand for their values.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Americans!

Yesterday, before going here to Washington, I was on the front line in our Bakhmut. In our fortress in the east of Ukraine, in the Donbas, which Russian military and mercenaries have been storming continuously since May. Attacks every day and every night. But Bakhmut stands. Even last year, 70.000 people lived there. Now there are only a few civilians left there. There is no place that is not covered with blood. There is not an hour when the terrible roar of artillery does not sound. There, one trench can change hands several times a day after bloody battles, sometimes hand-to-hand. But the Ukrainian Donbas stands. The Russian army is using everything it can against Bakhmut and our other beautiful cities. The advantage of the occupiers in artillery is very noticeable. They have many times more shells than we have. They use many times more missiles and aircraft than we have ever had. But our defence forces are standing. And we are all proud of them.

Russian tactics are primitive. They burn everything in front of them. They drove thugs to the front. They are sending convicts to war. They threw everything against us just as another tyranny once threw everything against the free world in the Battle of the Promontory. Just as brave American soldiers resisted and fought back against Hitler’s forces against all odds during Christmas 1944, brave Ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to Putin’s forces this Christmas. Ukraine stands and will never surrender!

This is the front line: a tyranny that knows no shortage of brutality against the lives of free people. We need your help not just to stand in such battles but to turn it around. To win on the battlefield. We have artillery. Yes. Thank you. Is it enough? Frankly, no. For Bakhmut to be not only a fortress that repels the attacks of the Russian army but for the Russian army to retreat completely, more guns and shells are needed. In this case, as in the battle of Saratoga, the struggle for Bakhmut will change the course of our war for independence and freedom.

If your Patriots stop Russian terror against our cities, it will enable Ukrainian patriots to work to protect our freedom fully. If Russia does not reach our cities with artillery, it tries to destroy them with missiles. Moreover, Russia found an accomplice in this genocidal policy. This is Iran. Iran’s killer drones, which are heading to Russia by the hundreds, have become a threat to our critical infrastructure. So one terrorist finds another. And it’s only a matter of time before they hit your other allies if we don’t stop them now. We have to do it!

I believe that there should not be any taboos between us in the Alliance. Ukraine has never asked and is not asking for American soldiers to fight on our land instead of us. I assure you that Ukrainian soldiers are perfectly capable of piloting American tanks and planes by themselves. Financial aid is also critically important. And I would like to thank you both for the financial packages you have already given us and those you may decide on. Your money is not charity. It is an investment in global security and democracy that we treat most responsibly.

Russia can stop this aggression if it wants to. But you can hasten our victory, I know it. And it will prove to any potential aggressor that no one will be able to violate the borders of another nation, commit atrocities and reign over people against their will. It is naive to expect steps towards peace from Russia, which likes to be a terrorist state. Russians are still poisoned by the Kremlin.

Restoring the international legal order is our joint task. We need peace. Ukraine has already made relevant proposals, and I just discussed them with President Biden — our formula for peace. 10 points that can and must be implemented for the sake of our common security, guaranteed for decades to come. And the summit that can be held — I am happy to note today that president Biden has supported our initiative. Each of you, ladies and gentlemen, can contribute to its implementation. That America’s leadership remains unchallenged, bicameral, and bipartisan.

You can increase sanctions in such a way as to make Russia feel how destructive its aggression is. It is in your power to help us bring to justice all those who unleashed this unprovoked and illegal war. Let’s do it! Let the terrorist state be responsible for terror and aggression and compensate all the damages caused by the war.

Let the world see that the United States is here!

Ladies and Gentlemen.  Americans.

In two days, we will celebrate Christmas. Maybe, candlelit. Not because it is more romantic. But because there will be no electricity. Millions won’t have neither heating nor running water. All of this will be the result of Russian missile and drone attacks on our energy infrastructure. But we do not complain.

We do not judge and compare whose life is easier.  Your well-being is the product of your national security — the result of your struggle for independence and your many victories. We, Ukrainians, will also go through our war of independence and freedom with dignity and success.

We’ll celebrate Christmas — and even if there is no electricity, the light of our faith in ourselves will not be put out. If Russian missiles attack us — we’ll do our best to protect ourselves. If they attack us with Iranian drones and our people will have to go to bomb shelters on Christmas Eve — Ukrainians will still sit down at a holiday table and cheer up each other. And we don’t have to know everyone’s wish as we know that all of us, millions of Ukrainians, wish the same — victory. Only victory.

We already built strong Ukraine — with strong people, strong army, and strong institutions. Together with you.  We develop strong security guarantees for our country and for entire Europe and the world. Together with you.  And also — together with you — we’ll put in place everyone, who will defy freedom.  This will be the basis to protect democracy in Europe and the world over.

Now, on this special Christmas time, I want to thank you. All of you. I thank every American family, which cherishes the warmth of its home and wishes the same warmth to other people  I thank President Biden and both parties at the Senate and the House — for your invaluable assistance.   I thank your cities and your citizens, who supported Ukraine this year, who hosted our people, who waved our national flags, who acted to help us.  Thank you all. From everyone, who is now at the frontline. From everyone, who is awaiting victory.

Standing here today, I recall the words of the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which are so good for this moment: “The American People in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”  The Ukrainian people will win, too. Absolutely. I know that everything depends on us. On Ukrainian Armed Forces. Yet, so much depends on the world. So much in the world depends on you.

When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes gave me the flag. The battle flag. The flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives. They asked me to bring this flag to the U.S. Congress — to members of the House of Representatives and senators, whose decisions can save millions of people.  So, let these decisions be taken.

Let this flag stay with you, ladies and gentlemen.  This flag is a symbol of our victory in this war.  We stand, we fight and we will win. Because we are united. Ukraine, America and the entire free world.  May God protect our brave troops and citizens. May God forever bless the United States of America.

Merry Christmas and a happy victorious new year.


Part 2:

Here is the same speech that could be delivered by a resident of Texas. I have indicated in bold any changes from the speech made by President Zelenskyy. 


Dear Ruling Elite!

In all states, cities and communities. All who denigrate freedom and justice.  Appreciates the same as Globalists — in all our universities, in every bureaucracy.  May my words of ridicule and contempt be heard by every federal derelict today!

Madam vice president, I reject you for your efforts in helping Mexico!

Madam speaker, you quietly visited San Diego before the full-scale invasion! Big deal!

It is truly disturbing that I have to be here!

Dear members of the ruling elite, from both parties who were never in Texas!  Dear members of Congress and senators, from both parties, who will never visit the border, I am sure in it, in the future!  Dear participants of the invasion who are present here and are present throughout the country!  Dear propagandists!  It is a disgrace to be in the Congress of the United States of America and to address you and all Americans.

Despite all law and common sense, Congress will not act. Congress is asleep and failing.

And this gives me a good reason to share with you your first joint victory — you defeated America in the battle for the world’s opinion. Americans have great fear.  But no invader in the world should have it.

The Mexican cartels won, and this gives them the courage that the world admires. The administration won, and therefore you managed to aid the bureaucracy in destruction of American sovereignty. The Americans have lost — that’s why America is now weaker and less independent than at any time in its history.  Administrative tyranny has tightened its grip on us and will never again improve our situation. And you will do everything to ensure that the enemies of the United States also achieve such a victory.

I know: the cartels can also have a chance for domination only when they defeat the Americans with their actions.  But the battle is still going on.  And we must defeat the cartels on the battlefield. This is a battle not only for land, for one or another part of America. This is a battle not only for the life, freedom and safety of Texans or any other people that Mexico seeks to conquer. This is a battle for what kind of America our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren will live in. It will determine whether it will be a democracy — for Texans and for Americans, for everyone.

This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the river or something else will protect itself. From the United States to Canada, from Brownsville to International Falls, from Miami to Seattle, the nation is too interconnected, too interdependent for any federal employee to remain aloof and disinterested while this invasion rages on. Your two factions are allies in this battle. And next year is a crucial time in it. The time when Democratic subversives and Republican cowards will ensure the decline of our freedoms by invaders.  Freedoms of citizens who hoped for your assistance.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Politicians!

Yesterday, before going here to Washington, I was on the front line in El Paso.  In our city in the west of Texas, in the desert, which Mexican military and cartels have been storming continuously since Feb 2021. Invasions every day and every night.  And America is overrun. Just last year, 3,500,000 people invaded us. Now there are only a few Americans unaffected there. There is no place that is not covered with illegal immigrants. There is not an hour when their insatiable demands for benefits does not sound. There, one ranch can change hands several times a day after bloody encounters, sometimes hand-to-hand. But the Texas territory stands. The cartel army is using everything it can against El Paso and our other beautiful cities. The advantage of the invaders in propaganda is very noticeable. They have many times more allies than we have. They use many times more lawsuits and speeches than we have ever had. And our Border Patrol is struggling. But you are all critical of them.

Cartel tactics are primitive. They burn everything in front of them. They hide criminals in the crowds. They are sending young women to slavery. They throw everything against us just as another tyranny once threw everything against the United States in the Mariel Boatlift. Just as brave American soldiers resisted and fought back against Hitler’s forces against all odds during Christmas 1944, Texas National Guardsmen are attempting the same to cartel forces this Christmas. Texas stands and will never surrender!

This is the front line: a tyranny that knows no shortage of brutality against the lives of free people. We need your help not just to stand in such battles but to turn it around. To win on the border. We have surveillance. Yes. Thank you.  Is it enough? Frankly, no. For Texas to be not only a State that repels the invasion of the cartel army but for the cartel army to retreat completely, more guts and sense are needed. In this case, as in the battle of San Jacinto, the struggle for Texas will change the course of our battle for sovereignty and stability.

Since your policies promote cartel terror against our cities, it generally aids foreign criminals to work to destroy our freedom fully. If Mexico does not reach our cities with invaders, it tries to destroy them with drugs. Moreover, Mexico found an accomplice in this genocidal policy. This is China. China’s killer fentanyl drug, which is heading to America by the ton, have become a threat to our young people. So one criminal helps another. And it’s only a matter of time before they hit our older people if we don’t stop them now. But you won’t do it!

I believe that there should not be any misunderstanding between us in the debate. Texas has repeatedly asked but is not receiving any federal support to fight for the freedom taken from us. I assure you that Texas citizens are perfectly capable of catching Mexican coyotes and invaders by ourselves. Public awareness is also critically important. But I would like to remind you both of the constant demonization you have consistently given us and media personnel allied with you. Your criticism is not warranted. It is an indication of media conspiracy and hypocrisy that we reject most vigorously.

Congress can stop this invasion if it wants to. But you will hasten our defeat, I know it. And it will prove to any potential aggressor that everyone will be able to violate the borders of this nation, commit atrocities and reign over Americans against their will. It is naive to expect steps towards border security from Biden, who likes to be an anti-American fanatic. Congress is still intimidated by the globalists.

Restoring the international legal border is our joint task. We need borders. Texans have already made relevant proposals, and we have recommended them to President Biden — our formula for stability. One objective that can and must be implemented for the sake of our common security, guaranteed for decades to come. It’s the step that won’t be taken — I am sad to note today that President Biden has rejected all initiative. Each of you, cupcakes and creampuffs, won’t contribute to its implementation. That America’s leadership remains indifferent, weak, and cowardly.

You will divert attention in such a way as to make Mexico feel how beneficial its invasion is. It is in your power to help us bring to justice all those who unleashed this invited but illegal invasion. You’ll fake it! Let the Mexican cartels be rewarded for crime and slavery and appreciate all the advantages reaped by the invasion.

Let the world see that the United States is destroying itself!

Democrats and Republicans.  Politicians.

In two days, we will celebrate Christmas. Nervous, uneasy. Certainly because it is less comfortable. And because there will be no confidence. Texans will have neither peace nor public safety. All of this will be the result of cartel drug and crime invasions on our civil infrastructure. But we complain in vain.

We do not judge and compare whose life is easier.  Your well-being is the product of your political manipulations — the result of your struggle for power and your many cronies. We, Texans, will naturally go through your invasion of drugs and criminals with resentment and resignation.

We’ll celebrate Christmas — and given that there is no border, the lack of our confidence in Congress will only be declining further. If cartel gangsters attack us — we’ll do our best to protect ourselves.  If they inundate us with foreign enemies and our people will have to hide in our basements on Christmas Eve — Texans will still sit down at a holiday table and cheer up each other. And we don’t have to know everyone’s wish as we know that all of us, millions of Texans, wish the same — borders. Only borders.

We already built strong Texas — with strong people, strong economy, and strong institutions. But without you.  We develop strong economic freedom for our State and for entire America and the world. But without you.  But unfortunatelythanks to you — you’ll put in place illegals, who will eradicate freedom.  This will be the basis to destroy civilization in Texas and the other States.

Now, on this special Christmas time, we have to reject you. All of you. I reject every Congressional politician, which cherishes the security of its home but denies the same security to other people  I reject President Biden and both parties at the Senate and the House — for your negligent policies.   I reject your attitude and your condescension, who ignored Texas this year, who ridiculed our people, who laughed off our requests, who failed to help us.  Curse you all. From Texas, who is now at the frontline. From everyone, who is awaiting action.

Standing here today, I recall the words of the President James Earl Carter [2], which are so good for this moment: “The gap between our citizens and our government has never been so wide.”  The American people will lose, continuously. Absolutely. I know that everything depends on us. On Texas National Guard. Yet, so much depends on the Congress. So much in the States depends on you.

When I was in El Paso yesterday, our citizens gave me the message. The political message. The message of those who defend El Paso, Texas, and the nation at the cost of their freedom. They asked me to bring this message to the U.S. Congress — to members of the House of Representatives and senators, whose decisions can stop millions of invaders.  So, let these decisions be taken.

Let this message stay with you, wimps and weasels.  This message is a reminder of your incompetence in this invasionYou cower, you lie and we will lose. Because we are forgotten. El Paso, Texas and the entire American people.  May God protect our Border Patrol and citizens. May God forever bless the United States of America.

Merry Christmas and another disastrous incompetent new year.


[1]  This transcript per: httpss://

[2]  The text from President Carter is from his speech of 15 Jul 1979, in which he presented his energy policy in five points.  The first four points were all good ideas, as relevant now as they were then, although the fifth point was useless and counterproductive.  It is often referred to as the “Malaise Speech”.

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