Real World Graduation: Question 33

RealWorldGraduation_Question_33   <– PDF

“Lobbying” is the term used when a person or organization spends money and energy to influence legislators, administrations, and courts to adopt policies favorable to the person or organization. It has been estimated that a total of about $3 billion was spent by lobbyists in Washington in 2007, mostly in the course of influencing Congress.  Among the groups that have lobbying activities in Washington are finance, insurance, real estate, medical industry, unions, trade associations (such as construction, firemen, police, miners, plumbers, electricians), industrial associations (such as automotive, tobacco), and the various ethnic, civil rights, and conservation activist groups.  The influence of lobbyists has become so pervasive that often it is lobby groups that actually write the legislation that Congress votes on.  Generally, these legislative initiatives involve a change in tax conditions or status, or changes in the amount and type of regulation.  Congress is supposed to be working in the interests of the people, but most legislation is pushed through due to the activity and influence of lobbyists.   In what ways do lobbyists present a problem for the legislative function?

a) Congress opens itself up for legitimate criticism by accepting money, gifts, favors, and travel from lobbyists.

b) There is considerable risk that corporate interests will gain unfair tax advantages because they wrote the legislation for that purpose

c) There is some risk that insufficient regulations will be enacted due to lobbying influence, because the legislation was written by those who will benefit from the change in regulation.

d) There is some risk that unions will engage in unethical activities because they get favorable treatment under the law, which occurs because they wrote the legislation for that purpose.

e) A combination of a) , b), and c).

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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